ADR-18: Content mappings flow for explorer and builder in-world

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Context and Problem Statement

In explorer, most of the world assets are resolved using the following elements:

Base url

The content server URL. This will be always the first part of the resolved URL for downloading the asset.


Local asset path

The local relative path pointing to the folder in which the asset was originally stored SDK side.

This relative path is also used internally to resolve references between a GLTF file and its textures. Internally, the GLTF file will store those relative paths, so we have to map them so a valid hash at import time. More on this will be explained later.

Examples can include: asset.gltf assets/cube.glb assets/cube.png etc.

Asset Hash

The hash used for composing the full url. This hash is usually assigned by the catalyst content server, and is guaranteed to be unique per individual asset.

Any full asset url may look like e.g.:

Content mappings and scene flow

When a new scene is created, a message is sent from Kernel to Renderer specifying the data that's going to be needed to assemble a full asset url from a single local asset path. The data looks roughly like this:

    // Here the value can vary depending on the connected realm


This data is stored in a ContentProvider object (see code).

Then, further down the line, a component can be sent with a payload that looks like this:


In runtime we can receive this payload for any scene object. In order to download the object, we must resolve the full URL for it, like this:

baseUrl + resolved hash

The resolved hash is obtained querying a dictionary with the local asset path.

This dictionary is scoped to the scene. Meaning that any scene will have a specific dictionary of content mapping pairs and a determined baseUrl. The mapping pairs and the baseUrl are fetched from Kernel using our catalyst scene endpoints and then passed over to explorer's renderer.

  Catalyst->>Kernel: Kernel picks realm url
  Catalyst->>Kernel: Kernel fetches mapping pairs
  Kernel->>Renderer: send LoadParcelScenes message\nwith baseUrl and content mappings
  Kernel->>Renderer: create any sdk component\nwith src payload
  Renderer->>Renderer: Use baseUrl and mappings\nto solve full asset url.

This approach works fine for most of the cases. However, some issues can be observed:

  1. For big scenes, a pretty big content mappings payload have to be sent over to Renderer. This can produce performance hiccups.

  2. For content coming from dynamic and user made sources (i.e.: builder or builder in world) the chance of local asset path collisions is very high.

  3. For the builder in-world feature we need to update the mappings in real time, and currently we don't have a nice mechanism of doing that without sending the monolithic mappings message scoped to the scene. Also, see (2).

In this document we are going to review the decided approach for dealing with those issues in short and long term stages.

Considered Options

Use UpdateParcelsScene message for updating mappings


In this approach, we can re-use the existing UpdateParcelScenes message with a complete mappings payload to update the existing mappings for the scene.

This approach don't solve any of the presented issues (1) (2) (3). However, it can enable the correct resolution of mappings for dynamically added assets.

The local asset path collision will be a possibility, hiccups will persist and made more prominent with the builder in-world. This will happen because in the multiplayer experience, the assets are going to be updated more often.

A redesign of the approach is still going to be needed to support custom user-made assets. So we are going to be back to square one more sooner than later.

Use alternative components to deal with the builder in-world requirements


Here, a duplicate component of the existing ones will be created solely for the purpose of supporting the needs of the builder in-world feature.

The idea is that we have a catalog data store that's going to contain all the builder in-world assets. Then, the alternate component will resolve its assets using the catalog instead of the scene mappings data.

With this, we are effectively addressing (2) and (3).

The issue of this approach is first a violation of the DRY principle, and technical debt will be generated.

However, the idea of having a data store for mappings is a good one, as the builder in-world already has to get the asset catalog from the builder in order to show the asset palette. The idea of using the catalog is going to be carried over to the next considered options.

For the builder in-world, add an additional message that binds a component to a specific mappings provider


Here, we play with the idea of adding a new message type that's only going to be available in the builder in-world flow. The message will be sent before any component message with a local asset path reference in its payload.

The idea of the asset catalog is back, and we assume the catalog will be sent at the start of the experience with the totality of the assets.

The idea is that the message will bind the component to an specific assetId that's going to be used to query the asset catalog. The asset catalog will return the specific ContentProvider needed for that component.

Finally, the ContentProvider is going to be used to resolve the local asset path and construct the full url.

We are going to analyze the flow to address the following use cases:

Flow #1: Stateful scene is loaded

  Kernel->>Renderer: Send catalog JSON with all the assets
  Renderer->>Renderer: Maps json info to <assetId, ContentProvider>
  Kernel->>Kernel: Stateful scene load begins
  Kernel->>Renderer: Map assetId to component id using special message
  Kernel->>Renderer: Update component
  Renderer->>Renderer: Component checks if any assetId was mapped to this component id
  Renderer->>Renderer: Inject mapped ContentProvider to LoadableShapeuse scene ContentProvider otherwise

Flow #2: Any user puts an asset, and the state has to be delivered to the stateful scene

  Kernel->>Renderer: Send catalog JSON\nwith all the assets
  Renderer->>Renderer: User places any asset into the world
  Renderer->>Renderer: Map assetId to component id\nin the internal map
  Renderer->>Kernel: Sends special message to\nreflect the assetId mapping
  Renderer->>Kernel: Update component with { src:string } using stateful\nmessages.
  Renderer->>Renderer: Component checks if any assetId was mapped to this component id
  Renderer->>Renderer: Inject mapped ContentProvider to LoadableShape use scene ContentProvider otherwise

Code mock-up of how the integration is going to look like in LoadableShape code:

// Catalog will fill this dictionary. 
// We can have a specialized catalog class for this responsibility.
private static Dictionary<string, ContentProvider> assetIds;

// Special message will fill-up this dictionary
private static Dictionary<string, string> componentToAssetId;

protected virtual void AttachShape(DecentralandEntity entity)
    ContentProvider provider;

    if (componentToAssetId.ContainsKey(id))
        provider = assetIds[componentToAssetId[id]];
        provider = scene.contentProvider;

This would solve (2) and (3). Trying to solve (1) would involve a re-design of this decision, as we are adding a new message, and this will clash with the scene workers messaging specs.

Here it was discussed about having a monolithic asset catalog message. The monolithic message approach can work in short term, but as new assets are started to be added with the community, this catalog message payload can grow to an unmanageable size. Also, this is already started to happen with our wearables specifications.

Migrate all our pipeline to use a more robust asset catalog approach, like the one used by Builder


This is arguably the best solution in terms of solving (1) (2) and (3). However, the refactor cost is high. We would have to adapt all the components to this new approach and re-design the LoadParcelScenes message.

We can split this approach in different stages.

Stage 1: MVP for builder in-world

Example code:

public new class Model : BaseShape.Model
    public string src;
    public string assetId;


protected virtual void AttachShape(DecentralandEntity entity)
    ContentProvider provider;

    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.assetId))
        provider = AssetCatalog.GetContentProviderForId(model.assetId);
        provider = scene.contentProvider; // Keep compatibility with the SDK approach

This first stage will address (2) and (3) and pave the way for a solution that address (1) in the future.

Stage 2: Full approach

In the stage two, we build upon the first stage, and unify the asset catalog approach so its used widely in our SDK code path too. This will reduce the complexity of the flow, making it easier to maintain, and solve (1).

Decision Outcome

The outcome is to advance on the Stage 1 of the robust asset catalog approach.

We argue that this approach has the best return of investment, because:



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