ADR-2: State sync for builder-in-world

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Context and Problem Statement

We need to find a sustainable path to develop the builder in world without compromising future plans and also enabling experimenting with the static scene definition initiatives and new SDK.

The domain of the problem can be divided in three big chunks:

Today we are deciding on the State management.


Option 1 - Renderer owns the state

In this approach the owner of the "edited" state is the renderer.

Initial load

  participant user
  participant kernel
  participant worker
  participant renderer
  participant p2p

  user->>kernel: load scene
  kernel->>worker: create worker
  worker->>worker: load scene
  worker-->>renderer: inform state

Initial scene loading (while others are editing)

  participant user
  participant kernel
  participant worker
  participant renderer
  participant p2p

  p2p-->>kernel: edition beacon {scene xy}
  kernel-->>renderer: edition mode
  renderer-->>worker: kill worker

  p2p-->>renderer: process update
  user->>renderer: perform changes (if allowed)
  p2p-->>renderer: process update

Save state

Save the current snapshot of the static scene

  user-->>renderer: edition mode
  renderer-->>worker: kill worker
  user->>renderer: perform changes
  renderer->>renderer: process changes 🔧
  user->>renderer: save
  renderer->>kernel: save {serialized state}
  kernel->>builder_server: generate code and store

Broadcast updates

After a change in state (i.e. builder action)

  user-->>renderer: edition mode
  renderer-->>worker: kill worker
  user->>renderer: perform changes
  renderer->>renderer: process changes 🔧
  renderer-->>p2p: update-msg

Receive updates

From other connected scenes.

In this case we would receive updates only on edition mode.

  user-->>renderer: enter edition mode
  renderer-->>worker: kill worker
  p2p-->>renderer: update-msg
  renderer->>renderer: process changes 🔧

Open questions

Option 2 - Scene owns the state

In this approach, the scene code is owner of the state at all times.

Initial load

  participant user
  participant kernel
  participant worker
  participant renderer
  participant p2p

  user->>kernel: load scene
  kernel->>worker: create worker
  worker->>worker: load scene (JSON)
  worker-->>renderer: inform state

  worker->>worker: connect to synchronization bus
  worker->>kernel: init p2p bus

Receive updates

From other connected scenes.

In this case we would receive updates either we are editing or not.

  participant user
  participant kernel
  participant worker
  participant renderer
  participant p2p

  p2p-->>worker: update-msg

  worker->>worker: process changes 🔧
  worker-->>renderer: inform state

Broadcast updates (v0)

After a change in state (i.e. builder action)

  participant user
  participant renderer
  participant worker
  participant p2p
  participant kernel

  user->>renderer: perform changes

  renderer-->>p2p: broadcast update-msg
  renderer->>worker: update-msg
  worker->>worker: process changes 🔧

Broadcast updates (v1)

After a change in state (i.e. builder action)

  participant user
  participant renderer
  participant worker
  participant p2p
  participant kernel

  user->>renderer: perform changes

  renderer->>worker: update-msg
  worker->>worker: process changes 🔧
  worker-->>p2p: broadcast update-msg

Save state

Save the current snapshot of the static scene

  participant user
  participant renderer
  participant worker
  participant p2p
  participant kernel

  user->>renderer: save state
  renderer->>worker: save

  worker->>worker: serialize scene
  worker->>worker: save JSON (POST?)

Option 3 - new worker owns the state

  user->>worker: kill worker
  user->>new_worker: create for edition (scene xy)
  new_worker->>content_server: get JSON (scene xy)
  new_worker->>renderer: initial state
  renderer-->>new_worker: update-msg
  renderer-->>p2p: update-msg (for broadcast)
  p2p-->>new_worker: update-msg

Decision Outcome

Alternative 1

Alternative 2

Alternative 3 ✅



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